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Obligatory texts Hepa-Merz®


Hepa- Merz®  Granules
Active substance: L-ornithine- L-aspartate
Indications: Treatment of concomitant disease and sequelae due to impaired detoxification activity (e.g. in cirrhosis of the liver) with the symptoms of latent and manifest hepatic encephalopathy. Contains orange yellow S (E110), fructose,

For risks and side effects please read package insert and ask your doctor or pharmacist.

Version July 2019

Merz Pharmaceuticals GmbH, 60048 Frankfurt



Hepa- Merz®  Granules
Active substance: L-ornithine- L-aspartate
Indications: Treatment of concomitant disease and sequelae due to impaired detoxification activity (e.g. in cirrhosis of the liver) with the symptoms of latent and manifest hepatic encephalopathy. Contains orange yellow S (E110), fructose, aspartame.

For risks and side effects please read package insert and ask your doctor or pharmacist.

Version July 2019

Merz Pharmaceuticals GmbH, 60048 Frankfurt

Obligatory texts
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Optio quis eaque quaerat, dolorum. Optio quam ut consequuntur, ad aperiam quod sapiente esse. Id voluptates nulla in aliquam, earum provident dolor.
Optio quis eaque quaerat, dolorum. Optio quam ut consequuntur, ad aperiam quod sapiente esse.

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