Non-alcoholic fatty liver

Non-alcoholic fatty liver is a generic term for a number of liver diseases that are not caused by excessive alcohol consumption. It ranges from non-alcoholic fatty liver (NAFLD) without inflammation and little progression to non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) with inflammatory reactions and liver damage.


  • Unbalanced calorie-rich diet
  • Diabetes mellitus (especially type 2 diabetes) and other hormonal disorders
  • Disorders of fat metabolism (e.g. obesity, overweight)
  • Some intestinal diseases


A moderately pronounced fatty liver usually causes no symptoms at all or at most very slight and unspecific symptoms. This is because there are no pain receptors in the liver, so the liver cannot „hurt“.

Symptoms that can hint at a fatty liver are:

  • feeling of fullness
  • feeling of pressure in the liver area
  • complaints when lying on the right side
  • flatulence
  • general physical and mental reduction in performance


Physical exam
Examining your abdomen can help identify an enlarged liver – a sign of inflammation.

Blood tests
Higher than normal liver enzymes can be a sign of liver inflammation.

Imaging procedures
An ultrasound or other imaging studies, such as CT or MRI scans, can help detect fat in your liver.

Liver biopsy
A liver biopsy is the best way to diagnose a fatty liver. A small piece of tissue is removed and examined to determine the status of your liver.


To reduce the risk for fatty liver or in an early stage of the disease, following these general recommendations help you improve the health of your liver:

  • lose weight
  • control your blood sugar
  • reduce intake of sugars and saturated fats
  • limit or avoid alcoholic beverages