Learn about your liver

Did you know that the liver is the largest internal organ of our body? It weighs approximately 1.5 kg and is responsible for a variety of functions that you can explore on this page. Most of the work is done by the liver cells, the so-called hepatocytes. They are the most versatile cells in our body.

Regulating your metabolism

The liver regulates our protein, fat and sugar metabolism as well as mineral, vitamin and hormone balance. Liver cells absorb the main nutrients from portal vein blood, converting, storing or transporting them to other organs via the blood. In addition, they produce many important substances in our body, such as proteins, blood coagulation factors, sugar, fatty acids and cholesterol.

Storing important nutrients

The liver stores important nutrients such as sugar, fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K) and minerals (e.g. iron). In an emergency, a healthy liver can provide other organs and body cells with vital nutrients. 

Detoxifying your body

The liver is the most important detoxification organ in our body. As a filter between the intestine and the rest of the body’s blood circulation, it prevents pathogens and pollutants from entering the bloodstream. Toxic substances such as ammonia are trapped by the liver and detoxified in the liver cells: they are converted into harmless substances such as urea, which is excreted in the urine.

Excretory organ

The liver uses bile to eliminate substances such as bilirubin, cholesterol as well as medicines and their metabolic products. These substances are then excreted in the stool. Chemical conversion in the liver also turns various fat-soluble into water-soluble substances, so they can be disposed of via urine.


The liver produces up to 1 liter of bile a day, which is stored in the gall bladder and poured into the duodenum at mealtimes. Bile’s most important component is bile acid, which is vital for absorbing fats from food.

Controlling organ

The liver makes sure blood composition is normal, which is vital for undisturbed brain functioning. Liver disease and resulting changes in blood composition can lead to brain dysfunctions, psychlogical, mental and behavioral disorders (hepatic encephalopathy).

Immune system support

Foreign substances must be „introduced“ to the body so that they can be tolerated by our immune system. The liver plays a decisive role in this tolerance formation. If these processes do not function or no longer function optimally, allergies, for example, can be the result.